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Blogs Dholera SIR


Posted 2025-01-13 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera Smart City Investment

Imagine a city where cutting-edge technology meets sustainable living, where innovation thrives, and investment opportunities abound. Welcome to Dholera Smart City, India's ambitious urban development project that's capturing the attention of investors worldwide. Are you searching for the next big investment opportunity?......


Posted 2024-05-03 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City


The Dholera International Airport, a flagship project in India's aviation sector, has been making significant strides in its development. With the aim of enhancing connectivity and fostering economic growth in the region, this airport project has garnered considerable attention both domestically and internationally.


Posted 2024-03-20 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Is Dholera Smart City Ready? (2024 UPDATES)

Investors often wonder if Dholera Smart City is ready for success. If you're seeking facts and updates, turn to Dholera Metro City Group, a trusted developer. They know all about the city's progress, like how buildings are coming along, and if roads and other important things are being built. They can also tell you about good investment chances.

Is it safe to invest in Dholera?

Posted 2023-09-28 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera SIR an affordable investment destination for investors - Vijay Nehra, MD, Dholera SIR

In a webinar on Dholera Sir organized by National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited, Vijay Nehra, MD of Dholera Industrial City Corporation, told about Dholera Sir on the official Twitter handle of Dholera Sir, Dholera SIR is equipped with good connectivity and world class infrastructure in Sari, as well as Dholera.

Is it safe to invest in Dholera?

Posted 2023-09-09 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Is it safe to invest in Dholera ?

In a webinar on Dholera Sir organized by National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited, Vijay Nehra, MD of Dholera Industrial City Corporation, told about Dholera Sir on the official Twitter handle of Dholera Sir, Dholera SIR is equipped with good connectivity and world class infrastructure in Sari, as well as Dholera.

Dholera Smart City Investment - A Booming Opportunity

Posted 2023-08-31 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Why People Are Flocking to Dholera Smart City ?

In recent years, India has witnessed a remarkable transformation in urban planning and development, with the rise of smart cities at the forefront of this evolution. Among these ambitious projects, Dholera Smart City stands out as one of the most promising and sought-after destinations for both residents and investors. With its strategic location,...

Dholera Smart City Investment - A Booming Opportunity

Posted 2023-06-17 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera SIR Rail and International Airport Projects Set to Reach Completion by 2026

Dholera, located in the western state of Gujarat, India, has been designated as the first smart city of the country. It is part of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) and is expected to become a global manufacturing and trading hub. With a strategic location and modern infrastructure, Dholera Smart City Investment is an attractive...

Dholera Smart City Investment - A Booming Opportunity

Posted 2023-05-06 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera Smart City Investment - A Booming Opportunity

Dholera, located in the western state of Gujarat, India, has been designated as the first smart city of the country. It is part of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) and is expected to become a global manufacturing and trading hub. With a strategic location and modern infrastructure, Dholera Smart City Investment is an attractive investment opportunity for individuals and businesses alike.

The Rise of Smart Cities in India: An Investor's Guide to Opportunities and Challenges

Posted 2023-03-25 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

The Rise of Smart Cities in India: An Investor's Guide to Opportunities and Challenges

India is rapidly urbanizing, with an estimated 590 million people expected to live in cities by 2030. As a result, the Indian government has launched several initiatives to promote smart city development across the country. The Smart Cities Mission and the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) are two such programs

धोलेरा विशेष निवेश क्षेत्र भारत में विदेशी निवेशकों के लिए मुख्य सूचना

Posted 2023-03-06 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

धोलेरा विशेष निवेश क्षेत्र भारत में विदेशी निवेशकों के लिए मुख्य सूचना

प्रमुख औद्योगिक आधार अहमदाबाद से लगभग 100 किमी दूर स्थित, धोलेरा विशेष निवेश क्षेत्र (DSIR) एक आगामी ग्रीनफ़ील्ड स्मार्ट सिटी है (जिसे पहले हड़प्पा-युग के प्राचीन बंदरगाह शहर के रूप में जाना जाता था)। डीएसआईआर अब नियमित रूप से खबरों में है क्योंकि प्रमुख कनेक्टिविटी परियोजनाओं पर गति बढ़ी है और देरी को छोड़कर क्षेत्र के बुनियादी ढांचे का निर्माण अगले दो से तीन वर्षों में पूरा होने की उम्मीद है।

धोलेरा लाभ: प्राचीन हड़प्पा सभ्यता से आधुनिक डिजिटल सभ्यता तक

Posted 2023-03-03 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

धोलेरा लाभ: प्राचीन हड़प्पा सभ्यता से आधुनिक डिजिटल सभ्यता तक

भारत आज डिजिटल क्रांति का एक चमकता हुआ प्रकाश स्तंभ है। वर्तमान भू-राजनीति के अनुरूप, सबसे उन्नत चिप निर्माता अंततः उन्नत सुविधाओं को भारत में स्थानांतरित करने पर विचार करेंगे। मीडिया के एक बड़े वर्ग ने 20 फरवरी 23 को गुजरात के धोलेरा में वेदांता-फॉक्सकॉन द्वारा अपना सेमीकंडक्टर और डिस्प्ले मैन्युफैक्चरिंग प्लांट लगाने के बारे में लिखा और बोला। ....

Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway: This will be the country's first high-speed multi-modal corridor, bus-train will run simultaneously

Posted 2023-03-03 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway: This will be the country's first high-speed multi-modal corridor, bus-train will run simultaneously

Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway: The Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway will open for motorists by January 2024. The construction work of this 109 kilometer long expressway, which started in the year 2021, has been completed 30 percent by February 2023. Vehicles will run in one part of this expressway and high speed....

Dholera will become the Shanghai of India

Posted 2023-01-22 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera will become the Shanghai of India

30-40 years from now a new city will be ready to make people feel like living in a new world next to Ahmedabad in Gujarat and this new city is Dholera Smart City and this Dholera can be the future Shanghai of India. This smart city is also known as Dholera Sir. First of all let's know what this means, it means Special Investment Region.Now let's move forward and talk about smart city,...

Dholera will become the Shanghai of India

Posted 2023-01-01 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

धोलेरा, गुजरात का भविष्यवादी ग्रीनफील्ड शहर - सोलर पार्क से मेक इन इंडिया चिप हब तकर

पीएम मोदी की एक पालतू परियोजना, धोलेरा स्मार्ट सिटी कुछ गति से आकार ले रही है। अधिकारियों का कहना है कि 22.5 वर्ग किमी में फैला पहला चरण 2025-26 तक पूरा होने की उम्मीद है।
धोलेरा (गुजरात): हरे-भरे खेतों के बड़े इलाके, फसल की देखभाल करने वाले किसान, चारपाई पर खुले में बैठे ग्रामीण, इधर-उधर घूमते मवेशी - अहमदाबाद से लगभग 100 किमी दक्षिण पश्चिम में धोलेरा गाँव में....


Posted 2021-05-28 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

धोलेरा ग्रीनफील्ड इंडस्ट्रियल सिटी फेज 1 कारोबार के लिए तैयार

धोलेरा (अहमदाबाद), 25 मई, धोलेरा इंडस्ट्रियल सिटी, यहां 920 वर्ग किमी में बनने वाला पहला ग्रीनफील्ड औद्योगिक स्मार्ट सिटी, अपने औद्योगिक नागरिकों का स्वागत करने के लिए तैयार है क्योंकि 22.5 वर्ग किमी में फैली परियोजना का पहला चरण लगभग पूरी तरह से पूरा हो चुका है।

धोलेरा औद्योगिक शहर पश्चिमी तट पर अहमदाबाद से लगभग 110 किमी दक्षिण-पश्चिम में स्थित है,....

Prime Minister Modi's dream of creating a new Dholera has now come true

Posted 2022-03-25 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Prime Minister Modi's dream of creating a new Dholera has now come true

The dream of the then Chief Minister of Gujarat and current Prime Minister Narendra Modi to build a new city called Dholera is about to come true. The new city will be the first green field city in the country to have such a facility, beating Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore or even London. In the near future, an investment of Rs 1 lakh crore is expected in Dholera...

क्या धोलेरा एसआईआर में निवेश एक अच्छा निवेश अवसर है ? Dholera Investment

Posted 2022-01-05 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

क्या धोलेरा एसआईआर में निवेश एक अच्छा निवेश अवसर है ? Dholera Investment

भारत की सबसे महत्वाकांक्षी स्मार्ट सिटी परियोजना माने जाने वाले धोलेरा विशेष निवेश क्षेत्र (एसआईआर) अब हकीकत में बदलने को तैयार है। अक्सर सिंगापुर की तुलना में इसकी योजना और सावधानीपूर्वक निर्माण के मामले में, धोलेरा एसआईआर दिल्ली-मुंबई औद्योगिक कॉरिडोर (डीएमआईसी) परियोजना के पहले चरण के हिस्से के रूप में विकसित...


Posted 2021-11-10 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

DHOLERA SIR SMART CITY: Water started spilling in six km long artificial river

To meet the water requirement in Dholera SIR Smart City, built in an area of 25 sq km, it was planned to build a 15 km long artificial river and so far, not only is the 6 km long, 110 m wide and 15 m deep river. It is ready, but it has also started spilling from the water of this monsoon. In future, a total of three such artificial rivers will be prepared here......


Posted 2021-05-03 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

How to invest in Dholera SIR Smart City, Gujarat?

It is very right that you are going to read this post. Before knowing how to invest in Dholera SIR, it is very important to tell you about some right things about Dholera Smart City. Dholera SIR is building the most powerful foundation for India’s future economy. When it comes to Dholera, we think everything is amazing. The total area for Dholera is approximately 920 sq. km. Let’s take a brief look at the 22 villages.....


Posted 2021-02-08 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

आवासीय प्लॉट में निवेश के क्या लाभ हैं? Advantages of Investing in Residential Plots

पकई भारतीयों के लिए, संपत्ति का निवेश और स्वामित्व सबसे महत्वपूर्ण वित्तीय लक्ष्य बना हुआ है। निवेश के लिए एक प्लॉट या अपार्टमेंट खरीदकर एक संपत्ति बनाना न केवल वित्तीय परिपक्वता को इंगित करता है, बल्कि यह लंबी अवधि में धन बनाने और किसी के भविष्य को सुरक्षित करने का भी एक तरीका है। आवासीय प्लॉट निवेश को भारत में संपत्ति निवेश का एक लोकप्रिय तरीका माना जाता है जो अपेक्षाकृत कम टिकट की कीमत पर अधिक ....


Posted 2020-12-30 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

धोलेरा स्मार्ट सिटी गुजरात (Dholera SIR), भारत का पहला ग्रीनफील्ड स्मार्ट सिटी सही तथ्यों के साथ

पिछले कुछ समय से आप धोलेरा स्मार्ट सिटी गुजरात (Dholera SIR) के बारेमे सुनते या देखते होंगे पर आपने ज्यादा ध्यान नहीं दिया होगा. आज में आपको धोलेरा स्मार्ट सिटी के बारे में कुछ ऐसा बताने जा रहा हु जो जान कर आप १००% भारतीय होने पर गर्व करेंगे |धोलेरा गुजरात के विकास के लिए एक उत्प्रेरक बनने के लिए तैयार है। धोलेरा एसआईआर परियोजना सबसे बड़ी डीएमआईसी का एक हिस्सा है। ....

How Dholera SIR will beneficial to the nation?

Posted 2020-11-25 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

How Dholera SIR will beneficial to the nation?

Today, the smart city has become a blind race across the world. The idea of becoming smart has increased in India too. The Modi government plans to build 100 smart cities with a cost of Rs 7,000 crore. To be invested. But can the urban life of the country be made better and dignified by the use of technology? Read the whole investigation.
What smart city would you like to live in? Where the effective urban...


Posted 2020-10-21 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

धोलेरा एसआईआर शहरीकरण का अगले वर्षों में भारत पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा ?

धोलेरा एसआईआर (Dholera SIR) एक ऐसा भविष्य है जिसका देश और इसकी आने वाली पीढ़ियों पर प्रभाव पड़ेगा। धोलेरा की बात करने से पहले हम भारत में हो रहे शहरीकरण की बात जानते है। रिपोर्ट में इंडियन रियल्टी - थ्रू द लुकिंग ग्लास कहा गया है, भारत 2001 के 28 प्रतिशत से 2011 में 31% से शहरी आबादी की हिस्सेदारी के साथ एक अभूतपूर्व पैमाने पर शहरीकरण देख रहा है। अध्ययन में कहा गया है कि संयुक्त राष्ट्र के अनुमान के अनुसार, भारत में BRIC राष्ट्रों के बीच परिवर्तन...


Posted 2020-09-10 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

When Will Dholera Smart City Complete ?

Mostly investors question, when will Dholera Smart City complete? Dholera SIR is evolving right now and the government has not declared any particular date to complete the Dholera SIR smart city but as per the official announcement, phase 1 will be completed soon and after that other phases will pickup. Let's know more about the Dholera smart city progress and investment.....


Posted 2020-07-08 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Future of Dholera SIR Smart City

THE FUTURE IS DHOLERA SIR. Gujarat has great future in Realty sector. As you might be knowing that India's first greenfield smart city is being developed in Gujarat know as Dholera SIR (Special Investment Region). Many companies like halcrow, Aecom, L&t, Spml. Cube constructions, torrent, etc are developing this city. We can be say that Dholera SIR will be the future city due to the greatest hub for infrastructure....


Posted 2020-06-10 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera Smart City : Investment, Top Developers Detailed Guide

Nowadays, investment scenario is paused on Dholera Smart City due to the high demand for smart city mission of India. Lots of investors are asking why Dholera Smart City is good for investment? How to invest in Dholera? and so on. Let us tell you the quick fact regarding the worth of invest in Dholera SIR is it. Due to COVID 19 and other many reasons, many giant companies are showing their interest to......


Posted 2020-03-18 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera Metro City is the best Dholera SIR Developers

Before you know about the topmost Dholera developers, you should have knowledge about the Dholera SIR. As per the report, Dholera will be masterpiece of the smart city not only in India but also in the world. Double the size of Mumbai, the 'smart city' of Dholera is one of pre planned in India – however critics state it will be worked in a flood zone and will confiscate farmers. As investors pull out, will India's idealistic test end in confusion?......


Posted 2020-02-28 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Benefits of Investing in Real Estate Property

There are many benefits of investing in real estate property. Property investment is an appealing solution for people searching for approaches to bring in their money work more enthusiastically for them. It can create bigger returns than increasingly conventional types of investing, for example, in stocks, equity or bonds. Real estate is simply one more asset class that experiences blasts and busts......

Dholera SIR Project Gujarat Investment Opportunities

Posted 2019-11-30 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera SIR Project Gujarat Investment Opportunities

The Gujarat government is working on its plan to redevelop Dholera, an ancient port, as an investment site. Developed under the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project, Dholera SIR is an upcoming city with smart facilities. Proguid reviews the key driving factors for this emerging city: Dholera Special Investment Region (SIR) is a vast area of more than 920 sq km (sqm),called Special Investment Region (SIR) Act. Dholera SIR has been...

Dholera SIR: PM Narendra Modi's 1st Smart City of India

Posted 2019-08-30 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera SIR : PM Narendra Modi's 1st Smart City of India

Do you want to know about Dholera SIR - PM Narendra Modi's Dream Smart City Project. What smart city would you like to live in? Where effective urban system is always active in the background and least burden on you? Factories automatically catch and fix malfunctions, keep a watch on medical equipment and needs from a hospital remotely, and will the lights and heat in the hotels change at your convenience? What is your definition of an ideal city? Is it one that has 24x7...


Posted 2019-08-09 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

What makes Gujarat's Dholera Smart City Investment Hotspot?

Know about Dholera Smart City Investment, Invest in India’s upcoming Greenfield City.
The Gujarat government is working on its plan to redevelop Dholera, an ancient port, as an investment site. Developed under the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project, Dholera is an upcoming city with smart facilities. ProGuide reviews key driving factors for this emerging city: Dholera Special Investment Region (SIR) is a vast area of more than 920 sq km (sqm),....

Dholera Smart City

Posted 2018-10-11 by DMC/ Dholera Metro City, Dholera Smart City

Dholera Smart City – Best Investment Destination in Gujarat

Dholera is an ancient port-city located in the state of Gujarat. It is about 109 kilometers away from the famous city of Ahmedabad.

It was in 2009 that the government of Gujarat decided to work on the redevelopment of Dholera and make it into India’s first smart city...

Dholera SIR Residential Plots

Posted 2018-04-10 by DMC/ Residential Plots, Dholera Smart City

Dholera SIR Residential Plots: All you need to know

Dholera SIR was integrated with a goal to generate value for the clients by guaranteeing an assured but fixed areciation and revenues for the customer's money.

This Dholera Metro City is a perfect destination for investors and end-users considering for possessing their own plot area adjacent the New International Airport at the Dholera Special Investment Region...

Dholera Bungalow

Posted 2017-09-26 by DMC/ Residential Plots, Dholera Smart City

Dholera Bungalow| A Life of No Compromises

Think comfortable living, think Smart Dholera Phase 1. A residential township facilitated by the most modern amenities, this project is being launched in the Greater Dholera area of Gujarat, specifically near the outskirts of Dholera SIR
Everything, beginning from the location of the township right down to the facilities it houses...

5 Reasons You Should Move To Dholera Metro City

Posted 2017-09-17 by DMC/ Dholera Smart City, Dholera project, Residential Plots

5 Reasons You Should Move To Dholera Metro City

Dholera, located in the Ahmedabad district in Gujarat, is one of the most rapidly flourishing regions in modern India. This place is identified as the Greenfield port, the development of which is going along the private sector with the participation of the Dholera Port Limited.

The costal location of Dholera makes it one of the most lucrative areas to invest in urban India.

Dholera SIR

Posted 2018-09-12 by DMC / Dholera Smart City, Dholera project, Dholera SIR latest news

Dholera SIR: India's First Planned Smart City

Dholera SIR is one of India’s pioneering smartest planned city projects. This enormous project with ample potentials has created a stir in the majority of smart property investors who are willing to be a part of it. Buying in a property like Dholera Smart City, is bound to be the wisest and most profitable investment option available.

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2017-01-11 by DMC

Metro Rail to Open up Faster Transit Possibilities between Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad

100 kilometers metro linkage shall soon be established between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar.The project aims to provide for a better and faster transit between the cities and link them efficiently with the city centres and other important destinations.
This elevated metro project shall be built in two phases spanning 61.55 kilometers and 38.45 kilometers respectively. The first phase shall connect Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar....

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2016-09-28 by DMC /

Dholera International Airport at a Glance

Gujarat shall soon have two international airports; the first being in Ahmedabad and the second one being Dholera international airport which is in the making.
Ahmedabad airport shall soon reach its peak with the increasing number of passengers availing the facility. As per projections, the airport shall reach its saturation point by 2020. Due to the constraints faced in extending the facility further, the pressing need for another international airport close by was felt....

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2016-08-31 by DMC /

Fast Upcoming Greenfield Township Dholera: Want to Buy Residential Plots; Here is the Check list

Dholera, the only Greenfield smart city is fast developing. With relentless suort from state and central government and positive response from fellow Indians, the city has begun treading the path of enormous economic success. As industries are looking forward to start their operations from Dholera, land and plots are also being bought in the city for residential purpose. Going by expert views,...

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2016-11-28 by DMC /

15 Things to Know before Purchasing a Plot in Dholera

Looking for Residential plots in Dholera? Before being a part of the awesome growth journey that Dholera's real estate market is scheduled for, here are some facts that one should know.
1. Dholera SIR is the biggest Greenfield project that India has ever seen and the maiden smart city of the country. The area allotted for the project spreads over 920 Sq. Kms and encompasses 22 villages.

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2016-10-15 by DMC /

Dholera Residential Plot Purchase- 10 'Must Know Facts' before you Strike a Deal

Dholera undoubtedly is a city with upcoming real estate boom. Many factors are having a positive impact on the property markets in Dholera which are expected to soar up exponentially.
More than 30 developers have entered the development phase of Residential housing complexes and townships within the city and also on the outskirts....

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2016-11-16 by DMC /

Land Acquisition Completed for Smart Cities on DMIC

A major step in the development of DMIC has been completed - land has been acquired for 4 of the 8 smart cities that shall be built along the corridor. This news has been confirmed in a newspaper interview by the CEO of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation. He also confirmed that development on the said land has begun.
The US$100 million project, DMIC is being built along 1,483 Kms and shall...

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2017-01-17 by Admin /

Dholera Outsmarts Kavarrati - Why?

The capital of Lakshadweep islands, Kavarrati's pristine white sand beaches has made it a major tourist attraction in the recent years. With literacy rate of 88.6% and a meager 3% families under poverty line (2001 census), the city has fared well for itself. Kavarrati has recently been declared as one of the 100 smart cities to be developed in India. Let us draw a comparison between this beautiful tropical city and India's first smart city in terms of future potential.....

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2016-12-17 by DMC /

Dholera SIR latest news: Dholera shall be ready to live in by 2019

Log on to Dholera SIR latest news and most news channels shall be speaking about the excitement of the city becoming livable by 2019.
As per Aecom, a US-based consulting firm which is the programme manager to implement theDholera project, the Special Investment region shall be functional with manufacturing units and host a population of about 1 lakh people by the year 2019.

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2017-02-17 by Admin /

AMRUT - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation for Dholera Metro City

Blog 32- AMRUT - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation AMRUT - Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation for Dholera Smart City
AMRUT stands for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation. The purpose of this scheme is threefold:-
To ensure that every household is facilitated with constant water suly and also a sewerage connection

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2017-02-30 by admin /

Halcrow Shall Be the Master Planner for Dholera SIR

Halcrow, the British infrastructure development giant shall be the master planner for Dholera SIR, the first planned smart city of India. Development work of Dholera SIR shall be done by reputed technology conglomerates such as CISCO and IBM to ensure Information and Communication Technology is deployed in every aspect making the smart city smarter They.

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2017-03-08 by Admin /

Verticals That Shall Make Dholera a Smart City Have Been Identified

Dholera Smart city in Gujarat is a Greenfield project and the first smart city of India. The concept of smart city is however relative and differs from country to country. India has defined it with the help of 10 verticals that it believes should be a part of the smart city to make it really.

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2017-03-20 by Admin /

Dholera Positioned to Attract Better Investments than Jhansi

Dholera is dream project of our PM. Narendra Modi’s government has taken the issue of urbanization as a challenge and converted this into an oortunity for transforming India and taking it towards sustainable development. That is why the government has come up with the concept of smart cities. One of which is Dholera SIR and [...]

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2017-02-30 by Admin /

Dholera SIR is in the list of Top Global Next generation Smart City says CNN

Modi's favorite smart city project, Dholera SIR is experiencing accelerated development on receiving back to back clearances and sanctioning of funds. The project which was conceptualized in 2007 was the brain child and dream project envisioned by Mr. Modi during his tenure as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. After a long gestation period, the project [...}

blog Dholera SIR

Posted 2017-04-09 by Admin /

Demand for residential plots in Dholera spurs as rentals remain stagnant in metros

Residential Plots in Dholera the “Affordable housing for all by 2022” vision envisaged by Mr. Modi has caused quite a buzz amongst the developers, land owners and citizens looking out to rent or own a home. This has also led to the rents getting stagnated with marginal increase in rentals in the metros and residential [...]

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