Dholera Smart City : Investment, Top Developers Detailed Guide
Nowadays, investment scenario is paused on Dholera Smart City due to the high demand for smart city mission of India. Lots of investors are asking why Dholera Smart City is good for investment? How to invest in Dholera? and so on. Let us tell you the quick fact regarding the worth of invest in Dholera SIR is it. Due to COVID 19 and other many reasons, many giant companies are showing their interest to migrate China to India and this is the top reason or we can say good news for whom to invest in Dholera Smart City.
As per the government target, Dholera project will be all set to have the most modern facilities that would certainly draw the attention of people from all over the world. Dholera Smart city is the first-ever greenfield project of the city.moreover there are several Smart features in the city. Dholera will Comprise of IOT - meaning the Internet of things. All the parts of the city will be connected wirelessly with the internet and the combination of ICT- internet, Communication and Technology will make it Technologically more advanced.
Area Dholera SIR will be the facilities like RCC high-class transport road, Administrative office, water solution or treatment plant, Sewerage Treatment, power transmission, internet connectivity, gas line etc is targeted to complete by short of time. Proposed Economic activity will development plan on 9225 Hectares of land.
Dholera SIR is governed by the DMIC (Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor). The real initial plan of DMIC is to set up around 100 smart cities all over India for a better future. Start to finish Design, Development, and Maintenance of Experience Center for Smart City: The Dholera Smart City Experience Center that depicts the future of the smart city through an excursion of intuitive zones utilizing experiential innovation.
This experience center is utilized by the DICDL (Dholera Industrial City Development Limited) authority, as a short look at the smart future at Dholera to draw in ventures for the Dholera Smart City and keep them open for conversation. Foreign investors have visited the experience place who have signed Rs. 21,300 Crore as an investment in the Dholera SIR.
Points covered: (Don't forget to download the detailed guide below)
- Why Dholera Smart City is good for investment ?
- How to invest in Dholera SIR ?
- Which are the top developers of Dholera Smart City ?
Why Dholera Smart City is good for investment?

It's a very common question in mind while thinking about the investment is that where to invest for good returns? Here we discuss the most profitable investment and it's a land investment. Land investment is indeed a very secure and safe investment all time and this is the fact.
Here we are talking about the world biggest special investment region, Dholera SIR - Total Area 900 Sq. Kms - Scalability and economies of scale where global hubs of economic activity supported by world class infrastructure, premium civic amenities, centers of excellence and proactive policy framework.
Dholera will be India's first smart and modern city, which is being migrated close to the developed city of the Indus Valley Civilization close Ahmedabad. The city will be possessed in 920 sq km. It was likewise asserted that the city will be around one and a half times bigger in size than Singapore. Just electric vehicles will run. Indeed, even one drop of water won't be wasted. Toilets, restrooms and sewerage water will be reused. From here, the exchange of ocean and sky will take new wings.
Gujarat's biggest international cargo (cargo) airport will be built at PM Modi's yearning city of Dholera. The air terminal will before long be considered as a real part of the main three cargo air terminals in the nation. The main departure from here is probably going to fly by March 2023. The air terminal proposed in 1426 hectares will have two runways which can likewise deal with large airplanes like air bus 320. The development of this city will be 51% of the expense of Gujarat government and 49% central government investment.
- Part of the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor.
- Robust world class and scalable infrastructure and facilities.
- International Airport nearby.
- Large Investment committed by Japanese Companies.
- US $ 20 Bn investment committed by 3 Anchor Tenants.
- 1. Mega Industrial Park Rs. 40,000 cr. by Universal success group (USE), Singapore.
- 2. Water front city Rs. 30,000 cr. by Hindustan Construction Company (HCC).
- 3. Nano City - Rs. 30,000 cr. By Shabbir Bhatia Group.
- Early bird projects
- 1. Central Spine Access Controlled 6 lane Ahmedabad- Bhavnagar Road with provision for 10 lane (New Expressway)
- 2. Metro/High Speed rail Project to facilitate movement between Gandhinagar-Ahmedabad-Dholera Metro Rail
- 3. International Air port to serve Ahmedabad-Dholera SIR (Cargo and Domestic)
- 4. Industrial Mega Parks / SEZ in DSIR
- 5. Rail Based Multi Modal Freight Logistics Park Across the DMIC (Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridors) Logistics Park Across the DMIC (Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridors)
- Action taken by Govt. of Gujarat for New International Airport
- 1. 7500 Hec. Govt land is reserved.
- 2. Site suitability of the Location established by AAI.
- 3. Defense clearance received.
- 4. NOC from AAI received.
- 5. Govt. of Gujarat has approved formation of the SPV.
- 6. AAI has prepared the DPR.
- 7. Initiated EIA/EMP study through AAI-CEPT.
- 8. Applied for the Airport license.
- Ideal location for following industries Separate clusters would be developed for each of the industrial segments
- 1. General Manufacturing
- 3. IT/TES
- 4. Electronic including High-tech industries
- 5. Automobile and Auto Ancillary
- 6. Agro and Food Processing
- 7. Heavy Engineering
- 8. Pharmaceuticals
- 9. Pr-feasibility study completed by M/s Feed Back Ventures
- 10. Location identified along with details of the area
- 11. The work on the central spine road already started
- 12. Notification issued for delineation of 879 Sq. Km of Area as DSIR
- 13. Government allocates 1700 Hect. land for adjoining Airport
- 14. Anchor Tenants already in place
- 15. Master planning done by M/s Halcrow, UK
- 16. Development plan done by Multi media Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
- 17. Water logging, seismological & environment studies underway
- 18. The legal framework enacted: The SIR Act 2009
- 19. Project development corporation (GICC) formed
- Entire value chain for all the above industries available nearby.
- Large scale industrial and social infrastructure is being created as part of SIR.
The Dholera Smart City involves development of all out 9225 hectares of land up to 2040 and will utilize an expected 8 lakh people and will house 20 lakh occupants. Phase-I of the project which involves developing basic infrastructure in 22.5 square kilometers of activation area will cost generally Rs 4,400 crore. In Phase-I, 52 percent will be industrial zone and 28 percent will be residential zone.
A golden opportunity for industrial investor to own titled cleared private land in Dholera SIR and Dholera is a safe and non-polluted environmental City where you can breathe fresh and stay healthy. Dholera Investment is becoming trendy for the real estate investors who look forward to earning better returns within a shorter span. To fulfill growing aspirations of our customers by building world class real estate solutions & redefining lifestyle standards.
Here is the detailed guide for you to trustworthy information regarding Dholera SIR Investment, kindly unlock the content to get valuable information with just share on your social media.
How to invest in Dholera Smart City ?

Dholera Smart City is the very well planned smart city project and it will be returned excellent. But first, you have to prepared for long term investment for Dholera because of its evolving and it will take time to develop.
Now first you have to know all factors of Dholera SIR where you can invest and after that, you can easily decide how to invest in this smart city. Dholera SIR to be developed in three phases with Six Town Plannings which includes TP - 1 and 2 in 2022, TP - 3 and 4 in 2032, TP - 5 and 6 in 2042.
Dholera SIR is the best investment option if you are planning today due to the cost of the property at Dholera Smart City value is low compared to other established cities.
We share you one open investment option of Dholera SIR. You can invest in residential and commercial plots with whatever investment budget you have. One thing you have to keep in mind that the return of investment might take some time (Approx. 5 to 7 years) due to the city is evolving and it takes time to fully develop.
There are many developers who provide property investment schemes. You have to choose wisely and yes good developers provide free site visit assistant too. So contact them and ask about the schedule for site visit and invest after researching well.
Unlock the detailed guide to get valuable information of how to invest at Dholera..
Which are the top developers of Dholera Smart City ?

Multiple projects with trusted Dholera developers at Dholera Smart City are going on. We would strongly recommend you to visit and explore as that will give you a lot of insight about Dholera as well as project/developers. Some of the Dholera developers which are doing great work there as they have already developed their projects which are getting high attention now.
Dholera Smart city shall be made up of uncompromised infrastructure and state of the art technology. The project shall be home to millions of people in search of affordable house and thousands of companies looking for a destination to establish and expand their businesses.
The proximity that Dholera Smart City Project shares with the DMIC corridor makes the location even more desirable making it a potential global trading and manufacturing hub. To support further, the connectivity of the region has been well planned and connects it through roads, rail, metro, highway and air to all important cities of the world.
Here is the detailed guide for you to trustworthy information regarding Dholera SIR Develoers, kindly unlock the content to get most trusted developers of Dholera with just share the post on your social media.