Dholera SIR latest news: Dholera shall be ready to live in by 2019
Log on to Dholera SIR latest news and most news channels shall be speaking about the excitement of the city becoming livable by 2019.
As per Aecom, a US-based consulting firm which is the programme manager to implement theDholera project, the Special Investment region shall be functional with manufacturing units and host a population of about 1 lakh people by the year 2019.
A recent EPC contract that has been awarded to L&T for construction of roads and services in Dholera is being observed as a milestone step in rapid development of the city. A recent Dholera SIR latest news update talks about this contract in details. The Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contract had been approved on January 30th, 2016 during the first board meeting of the Dholera Industrial City Development Ltd (DICDL). L&T has been approved Rs. 1734.04 crore towards fulfilment of the construction of roads and services in the region.
L&T shall be liable to construct 72 km of major and minor roads across the city. It shall also create diverse underground utilities for efficient functioning of Dholera. The utilities include deployment of ICT, provision for gas, water and power and construction of stormwater drainage system,wastewater management and recycled water plant.
Dholera SIR latest news update also talks about Rs. 72.31 crore contract being awarded to Cube Constructions Engineering Ltd. for construction of ABCD complex in the city.The facility shall boast of industrial zone, knowledge and IT zone, solar park, residential zone, high access corridor, city centre, agriculture zone, village buffer and tourism-resorts.The complex shall be constructed on 17,000 sq. mt built up area and features in the complex shall comply with LEED Gold requirement.
The city?s development shall be managed in a sustainable fashion through a Special Purpose Vehicle. The CEO of DMIC Trust, Mr. Alkesh Sharma said that ?Over the next few months, selected contractors will furnish the detailed design and construction should start around May 2016.?
Dholera is being developed as the first smart city of India and is the largest Greenfield project amongst the 100 smart cities that shall soon be developed. DSIR spans an overall area of 920 Sq. Km with 567.39 Sq. Km developable area. The city is located close to Gujarat International Finance TechCity (GIFT) and Petro-chemicals and Petroleum Inv. Region (PCPIR) and shall have logistic support from Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corporation (DMIC). Being planned a global trading and manufacturing hub, Dholera is all set for an economic explosion.
For latest updates on Dholera SIR latest news, keep visiting our website www.dholerametrocity.com or call us at +91 9978926286.