Dholera City in Gujarat – Your Ideal Dream City
Dholera Metro City in Gujarat is set out to be part of India’s first smart city. It will be the most urbanized city in India which makes living in it your dream city. It has so many smart features that just hearing about it will want to get you packing and on your way there.
Dholera city which is in Gujarat is located just 109 km away from the famous city of Ahmedabad. It is currently an ancient port city which is soon to be transformed into something so magical, that no other city would be as ideal for you as Dholera will be. It is located very strategically which makes gaining access to Dholera very easy, not just for business and trade, but for locals and other people interested to come to Dholera.
Dholera is a land of opportunities. Not just for investors and businessmen who can come and set up their business here, but for citizens of India too, who are looking to have a better quality of life. Dholera smart city is one where the quality of a life one will lead is such that no other city has seen.
Imagine a zero pollution city, no loud car honks, no traffic police manning the traffic as the traffic is smooth flowing and no cops to pull you over at crossroads. Better yet, imagine houses being connected to the internet like how they are connected to electricity and even water.
It is planned that Dholera will have an e-government which will be possible from a control or command room. ICT (information and communication technology) will be controlling, integrating and monitoring the road infrastructure, water management systems, lighting on the streets and even fiber networks. All of this will be managed from a common central location.
Besides all these benefits of residing in Dholera SIR, there are more reasons as to why one should consider moving here. The healthcare facilities are supposed to be amazing and accessible to all. There is going to be a very well laid out plan for wastewater and water management. Hence access to clean drinking water should never be a problem.
One amazing feature of Dholera the smart city is the various modes of transportation. Dholera is going to be a city connected via metro in and around the city. This is a really smart feature as it makes traveling very easy. Along with the metro, you can choose from other modes of transport like rail and even road too as the plan is to build 8 lane express highways; this ensures that there will be less to none traffic built up. Another major mode of transport to be included in this smart city project is by air. Dholera is going to have its own new international airport. This is very beneficial as people from around the globe can visit with ease and no troubles. This opens doors for international commerce and trade too. Building an airport in Dholera is also beneficial to its’ citizens as they too can access other parts o the world with ease.
The Dholera city project is a huge operation. It is said that is will be developed to be twice the size than that of Delhi and six times that of Shanghai. Forbes rated it as a one-of-its-kind cities in India and among the top 12 fastest growing cities in the world.
This project was initiated by the Chief Minister of Gujarat and current Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi. He initiated this project as urbanization faced a lot of challenges and Mr. Modi wanted a better and more sustainable solution. It is said that the Dholera smart city project is just one of many smart cities that are to be built all across India.
Dholera city is going to have state of the art technology and amazing infrastructure. This city is meant to house millions of citizens as it going to be more affordable and sustainable. People can easily settle down here as they can set up their businesses with ease and expect rapid expansion too.
For all these reasons, Dholera city is the city to be in. It is truly your ideal home. With the smart features included in this project, one is expected to face as fewer challenges as possible that he/she would face on a normal basis in another city. From clean water to proper internet connectivity to amazing transport and healthcare facilities, Dholera is going to have it all. It is also a great place to not only start your business but also to start your family. Generations to come will have access to the best of facilities, technology, and infrastructure. Mr. Modi also claimed that one major feature to be added to this dream city is that all the electric and telephone wires along with the gutter lines would be all laid underground. It is also said that Dholera will have Asia’s largest solar park of 5000 MW which will make Dholera more livable as it will provide green energy.